
Websites you can visit to review the Scientific Method

Scientific Method 


You will be expected to answer questions about the following main ideas:

Questions & Hypothesis
-      You will be given different testable questions and asked to write an appropriate hypothesis
-      You hypothesis should be written as an if/then statement
-      For example: 
Question: Does adding sunscreen to a magic bead stop it from changing colour?
Hypothesis: IfI add sunscreen to a magic bead, then it will not change colour.

You try:
Question: Does a magic bead change colour if I expose it to the light of a flashlight?

Hypothesis: __________________________________________________________


Qualitative & Quantitative Observations
-      An experiment will be described to you.  You will be given a list of observations from this experiment and will be asked to state if the observations are qualitative or quantitative.
-      Quantitative observations: Observations we can measure (they usually include numbers). This includes such observations as length, width, height, weight, time etc.
-      Qualitativeobservations: observations that cannot be measured.  They usually involve the use of our senses.  Such observations include: colour, taste, texture, sound, shape etc.

You Try: 

A student tested to see if a kiwi would mold faster without its skin.  He observed the following. Write beside each observation if it is qualitative or quantitative.

6 mold spots on the skinned kiwi ____________________

There are brown spots on the skin ______________________

The fuzz on the skin is falling off ______________________

The skinned kiwi shriveled to 8 cm wide ___________________
-      You will be asked to identify/give the different variables of a given experiment.
-      The following is a reminder of the different types of variables:

Independent Variable:The variable the scientist changes
Dependent Variable:The variable the scientist observes as a result of the independent variable.
Controls or Constant Variables: The variables that must be kept the same to guarantee a fair test.
You try:

Question: If I sit a magic bead in water, will it change colour slower?
Hypothesis: If I put a magic bead in water, then it will change colour more slowly.

Independent Variable: ________________________________________________

Dependent Variable: __________________________________________________

Some Constant/Controlled Variables: _____________________________________


Is a Question Testable or Not?
In the beginning of our unit, we learned that some questions aretestable (in other words we can answer them by running an experiment) and other questions are not testable (in other words it takes research and/or questionnaires to answer).  You will be given a list of questions and asked to state if they are testable or not.

You try: 
Yes = testable
No = not testable

Does blowing on a bead make it change colour faster? ______________________
How many hours do the students of Div. 1 sleep on an average night? __________________
Why do birds migrate? ___________________
Does adding salt to water make it boil faster? _____________________
Class Experiment
A reminder, that we did a class experiment about how temperature affects the browning of a banana.  You will be asked to explain the question, hypothesis, variables and results of our class banana experiment.

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